Friday 4 February 2011

Preparing for Open Morning

Posting by Marketing Co-ordinator, Bev Bishop

When you’re 15 and 16 years old and making decisions about what to do next, my advice is always the same – visit as many Open days as you can. I don’t just mean come to the events we run, but actually go to as many Open days by as many different institutions as possible.

Why? Well, how can you make an informed decision about what is right for you if you have never visited a place? Would you buy a house without looking at it first? I think not!

I think The Sixth Form College, Solihull is an outstanding college, which has a lot to offer to young people, but are we right for everyone? Of course not. Most of what we offer is A levels, with a selection of BTEC Extended Diplomas also on offer. We also have excellent teachers and superb facilities. It’s my job to showcase those things to prospective students and that is just what I – and my colleagues – will be trying to do tomorrow when we hold our Open Morning.

Yes, Saturday 5 February 2011 is Open Morning at The Sixth Form College, Solihull. We are open from 10.00am until 1.30pm, although the last time people can enter is at 12.30pm. The Principal Paul Ashdown will be giving talks throughout the morning and teachers will be available in every subject area to talk to our guests.

Inevitably, a lot of hard work goes into preparing for an event like this. One of my first tasks is to promote the event and I do this via the College website, Facebook page, newspaper advertising, press releases, posters, flyers in schools and letters to schools, libraries, and Connexions offices. So, hopefully, reading this blog is not the first you have heard of this event!

I also need to make sure we have all the necessary materials for prospective students to pick up on the day. This means talking to teachers to make sure subject leaflets have the correct information on them and ensuring enough are printed. It also means putting together packs of prospectuses and other promotional materials (newsletters, etc) so that everyone who comes to the event can get copies. I have hundreds of carrier bags full of these materials ready and waiting for tomorrow!

We set up a variety of displays, with information on services and student successes and each subject area does their bit too, by preparing the rooms they will use in this way. That is what I and my colleagues are doing today.

We also have to make sure we have the right staffing for an event of this scale. That means both staff coming in on a Saturday, but also existing students too. This mix of staff and students come in to help our visitors find their way around and answer questions. We do provide maps of the campus and I am spending a significant part of today putting up extra signage too, but nonetheless staff and student presence on the day is what makes the event run smoothly.

When we staged our Open Day in November, we had almost 1,500 prospective students coming through the doors that day, all accompanied by at least one parent or guardian, and often with both parents and siblings. It all adds up to a lot of people on campus and we want to ensure everyone enjoys the experience and gets all the information they need to help them make that important “where next” decision.

If you are thinking of where to go next – or perhaps you have already applied here and you want a second look – I do hope we will see you at College tomorrow morning. Remember to please come accompanied by a parent or guardian and we will do all we can to help you make the right decision for you. See you there!

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