Thursday, 14 July 2011

Biology Fieldtrip to Nettlecombe

Posting by Hina Khan, Year 12 student

Year 12 Biology students at The Sixth Form College, Solihull went to Nettlecombe Court Field Centre in Somerset on 17-20th June to study Ecology.

The aim of the trip was to analyse different ecosystem and carry out a number of practical investigations. Upon arriving, we went to a rocky shore in a town called Watchet, where we used quadrat sampling along a belt transect to measure the distribution of populations of rocks shore organisms. We came across a variety of different organisms such as several types of seaweeds, sea slaters and quite a few crabs!!!

The next day a river study was conducted in the middle of Exmoor National Park, where the aim was investigating whether named abiotic factors affected the number of invertebrates present. We were able to use our results to complete the statistical test ‘Spearman’s Rank’ to see if the results showed any significance. We were also lucky enough to spot wild red deer and wild horses running openly on the moor.

On the Sunday, we set off to Brauton Borrows in North Devon (which is part of the UNESCO International Biosphere Reserve) to have a look at plant diversity and succession. Using random sampling, the different amount of species that are present were counted, in order to see whether plant diversity increased.

Finally, a bit of terrestrial Ecology was done on grassland before heading back home in the afternoon. Overall, all the students greatly enjoyed the trip and we remained enthusiastic throughout despite the wet weather conditions. The field trip was focused on their curriculum and gave them a good insight into Biology.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Nottingham University Projects

Posting by Trevor Irving, Chemistry teacher and Director of Teaching & Learning

Chemistry students at The Sixth Form College, Solihull are fortunate to benefit from an association with Nottingham University and recently a group of students completed project work at the university.

Back in February, approximately 65 first year A level Chemistry students visited the University. The School of Chemistry presented a series of informative talks and chemical demonstrations. Students enjoyed presentations ranging from cutting edge nanotechnology to Professor Martyn Poliakoff’s Periodic Table of Video’s.

As part of the afternoon, the students attended a separate forum, in which they were introduced to a number of research projects to be carried out at College over the coming months. Under this initiative, those interested would undertake practical investigations at College and present their findings to a panel of lecturers and postgraduates during a return visit to the University in June. To assist with some of the practical aspects of the projects, students were invited to spend a day in the University laboratories in April, where they had the privilege of working with professional standard analytical equipment.

In March, 15 students completed project work set by the University. This was divided into three topic areas: Preparation and analysis of nickel complex ions; synthesis of naturally-occurring dyes; and the kinetics of the reaction between propanone and iodine.

The students attended on a weekly basis after College and worked on predominantly practical activities. They welcomed the chance to carry out full university-type experiments and this made for a good relaxed atmosphere.

In April, these 15 students spent a full day in the undergraduate teaching laboratories at Nottingham University, undertaking practical work relating to their projects. In addition they were treated to a session on mass spectroscopy, in which they were able to witness the analysis of products they had prepared at College.

The students returned to the university to present their projects to an audience of lecturers, post-graduates and one of the parents in June. Each group presented powerpoint presentations on the material they had covered and answered questions on their findings. The university had also printed academic posters based on the work produced by the students.

Following the presentations, the students were given a talk on applying for degree courses in Chemistry and Science and then split into groups to feed back to their university supervisors.

The visit coincided with the Nottingham University Open Day and upon completion of the presentations, students were free to partake in the activities elsewhere on the campus.

The standard of the presentations was particularly high this year and the students were a credit to the College.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

German Trainees visit College

Posting by Deborah Smail-Ross, Modern Languages teacher

Learning a modern language at The Sixth Form College, Solihull is much more than just sitting in classrooms. As much as possible, we try to give our students the opportunity to put their language skills to the test, be it through work experience, exchange trips or visits.

In German, we have a long association with a company called Continental-Teves, who are based in Frankfurt. We have been fortunate enough to visit them many times over the years, enabling many students to experience a German business environment and to put their German speaking to the test. We also welcome some of their apprentices every year and that is something we have just had the pleasure of.

The Continental-Teves trainees have just spent 2 weeks in the UK as part of their international apprenticeship programme in the Commercial/Business Training department at the firm. The Continental-Teves plant in Rödelheim, Frankfurt specialises in the production and development of automotive brake systems. Continental-Teves were at the forefront of ABS brake development, and are now developing and producing the highly sophisticated ESP – Electronic Stability Programmes.

The trainees have been doing a Summer School here, in which they worked on various projects with our AS German students. There was a BBQ and quiz on their first day here and a farewell lunch at the end of their trip. During the two weeks, the trainees shadowed our students to their lessons, worked with them on bi-lingual film presentations in German classes and produced bi-lingual Dragons’ Den presentations (the Dragons were Vice Principal Martin Sullivan, Curriculum Leader Martin Smith and Marian Birke from Continental-Teves). They also produced a magazine with our students during free periods.

It was evident that everyone – our students, the trainees themselves and the staff too – all really enjoyed the visit and I think everybody got a lot out of it too.

We’ll visit the company for an afternoon during our German exchange in late November / early December next year. We’ll also be able to catch up with one of our former students, Jack Wilson, who is currently doing his year abroad teaching English to the trainees at the company in Frankfurt.

We’ll keep you updated on our return visit to Germany later in the year!

There are more photos on our Facebook page.

The Full English!

Posting by Ranjit Hayer (Business Studies teacher) and Nick Waring (Curriculum Leader for Media)

It’s great when students from different courses get the opportunity to join forces on mutually beneficial projects. Some of our students have had just such an opportunity this week thanks to an educational media company called “The Full English”.

Students from Media, Business and IT got involved in the project with The Full English, who produce educational resources to help promote English in exciting multi-media ways.

This project is aided by funding from British Telecom and the project is to develop a DVD, teachers' book and website all about Spoken Language - primarily to support this new component of GCSE English, with a little A Level on the side. The final products will be a completely free-of-charge set of resources that will go out to 5,000-6,000 schools and colleges in England and Wales.

The Full English are collaborating with a company called Dialogics, who are expert in video production, and this is where our Media students come in as they have had the opportunity to work with the production company and get real, hands-on experience of the filming process.

The filming is taking on a video diary style, and three pairs of multi-lingual students (from Media, Business and IT) have been the focus of the filming. They have been interviewed regarding their multi-lingual capabilities. In particular, they have been talking about when they use the different languages they speak; for example, they may speak English at College, but Punjabi when at home.

We are really looking forward to seeing the final products and are grateful to The Full English and to Dialogics for involving our students in the creative process. We feel it was a great opportunity for them and they have learned a lot.

Check out more photos on our Facebook page.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Gearing Up for Enrolment!!!

Posting by Jennifer Lumb, Admissions Officer

The applications process is almost over for entry in September 2011. Application submission closed on 31st March 2011 and in the months since we have been busily finishing interviews and finalising offers as well as preparing for Welcome to College Day.

All in all, the application period has been a great success, 66% of applicants applied online which has allowed us to process and acknowledge the applications much faster as well as arrange interviews sooner. We have arranged over 3,300 interviews and made over 2,300 offers.

Many students came to one of the two Welcome to College Day events at the end of June. These sessions allowed students to get a tour of the College and familiarise themselves with the services and facilities of the College, as well as to enjoy taster sessions in all their subjects. This event was compulsory, so for those that did not turn up, they may find their place is not as secure when we enrol in August.

Over the next few months we will be organising enrolment and sending out appointments and information to all applicants we have offered a place to. It will be a busy time but we are looking forward to meeting all the new students during enrolment and hope that they are looking forward to it as much as we are!

Best of luck to all our potential new students with your results in August, please remember that you can contact us with any concerns you may have when you receive your results or still come to your enrolment appointment for additional advice and guidance.

It’s been a really busy, but a really great year so far and we are looking forward to doing it all again in October!